On Saturday the 10th of February, 2024, we kicked off the new year by returning to the Outhouse to celebrate one full year of the Ghost Society being a thing that, more-or-less, exists. We were joined by our pair of radio-controlled ghost mascots, which worked flawlessly:

We were also able, through a game of “pin the tail on the ghost” to firmly establish the average location where people think a tail belongs on a ghost.

We also changed our name from the slightly flatulent-sounding IGAS to the much more svelte and postmodern IGS, as demonstrated by this handcrafted balloon display.

Finally, we also announced the results of our 2024 Ghostly Commission. The winner was Kirsty Logan with her short story “Domestic Magic, or Things My Wife And I Found Hidden in Our House”.
All in all, it was an excellent first birthday. Don’t listen to any rumours to the contrary.