On Thursday 24th May, 2024, we stopped by Throat Punch Coffee in Edinburgh to perform our first ever exorcism. We included a short talk on the history of exorcism beforehand to maximise its educational value.
Clear signs of a poltergeist had been observed within the coffee shop, including a safe falling off a shelf. A really heavy safe.
Using this Wikihow article as a reference we performed a brief exorcism. By audience poll, we decided to drive the malicious spirit into the body of a malfunctioning Furby that we’ve had in our ghost hunting equipment box for some time.
The exorcism appeared to be successful, although one audience member advised that she could see the poltergeist still lingering in the corner at the end of the event, and that it was now angry at our attempt to evict it. So… we either succeeded, or made the situation worse. The important thing is, we didn’t do nothing.
We’ve closely observed the now-possessed Furby since the exorcism and have not observed it behaving in any way that’s any more cursed than normal. Yet.